Always ~ Mind Your Melon…

Always  ~ Mind Your Melon. Riders4Helmets International Helmet Awareness Day began in 2010 after US Olympian Courtney King Dye’s accident. The campaign is to inspire equestrians to wear a helmet for the first time and to remind those already wearing a helmet to make sure if fits correctly and is replaced when needed.

This year August 18th and 19th is International Helmet Awareness Day. Many helmet manufacturers are offering discounts on their helmets at various retailers during this time. It’s a great time to purchase a helmet for the first time or to update your current helmet. A few of my favorite helmet brands that have committed to the program are Charles Owen, Kask, Samshield and Troxel (my first helmet). There are many other helmet manufacturers offering discounts as well. You can order online but it’s better to try on various helmets to see what fits best. For me, my head is extremely tiny so the Charles Owen fits great! And if you’re LOVING my Horsey Couture Polo, you can shop it here!

Happy Riding!!! #safetyfirst

~ xoxo




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